美國 Earwerkz 客製化耳機 – 旗艦 LEGEND R 八單
我們 Earwerkz 並不滿足於一個傳奇的CIEM 。我們想要成就最好的。視聽大眾的建議我們聽到了,於是我們 REMASTERED “從新打造” 傳奇的CIEM,全面強化所有聲音表現。Earwerkz “Legend R” 給您 CIEM 市場中聲音最細膩 / 最讓人驚艷的聲音。
Legend R 裝備了8個精密調校的 armature drivers (電樞單體),業界領先的 7-WAY, SIX crossover 設計,內部所有的機內配線採用 丹麥大廠 Estron ESW Litz 7蕊 (李茲結構),生產出的最佳的聲音還原度。
網路評論員的對於 Earwerkz LEGEND R 的評價
“The Legend has the highest level of detail I have heard from a CIEM” – TheHeadphoneList.com
“The 7 way, 6 crossovers are immediately apparent. So much impact, yet so clear and smooth. I am a little puzzled by the Legend R though. I noticed that they are very dynamic (and pratty) with fast tracks such as rock, pop, electronics and slows down a tad bit with urban, blues, bluegrass type of music. It’s almost like the Legend R knows how to adjust itself according to the music it processes. Is it me or is there some voodoo magic involved? It’s really amazing and the only custom of its kind to do it.” – Kenny, Kenz@HeadFi
“I absolutely LOVE this phone’s tuning. What jumped out to me first? Tonal balance, resolution & imaging. Tonally, I found it very satisfying. It falls right in the window of how I prefer such tuning.. which is to say, no glaring coloration (peaks/valleys in the freq. curve). The mid-range presentation, alone, is probably worth the price of admission (it’s incredible). Resolution is just jaw dropping. Micro-dynamics in particular.. goodness. It’s, arguably, the most detailed IEM I’ve heard/owned to date. The sound stage possesses terrific geometric balance (depth, width, height), combined with a very black background.. these qualities lead the -R to possess frighteningly good imaging and layering. I truly, truly love the Legend-R.. if you’re a resolution junkie (like I am), this is your fix. The -R is so dynamic.. it’s ability to so effortlessly resolve micro- and macro-detail is one thing that, IMO, sets it apart from every other custom I’ve owned. ” Nivasa, FlySweep@HeadFi
The EarWerkz Legend R, with its evocative vocals, detailed presentation, and enthralling listening experience, is a product that clearly lives up to its name.” – ShotgunShane, CYMBACAVUM.COM
“The Legend lives up to its name and is a worthy top of the line performer. It excels in vocal intimacy and resolution in an overall fairly neutral presentation. Build is superb and stands out as some of the best in the market. Easily overlooked but perhaps the most important aspect of choosing a custom in ear monitor — customer service. EarWerkz‘ customer service is top-notch, as reflected in the many posts on the EarWerkz discussion thread on Head-Fi.
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為了打造這款完美CIEM,我們測試了市面上許多品牌的焊錫 Alpha, Ersin, Kester.. 只有 Cardas Audio 的含銀焊錫,才能讓我們放心打造 Legend R,表現精準的聲音, 由於這款 Cardas 焊錫並不好焊接,所以也非常少業者使用 |
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在 Hi-Fi 音響行業,採用好的線材與銲錫是打造發燒級產品必需的基礎。 那麼,人們怎們會滿足 用便宜與低於標準的材料所製造產品? 我們選用了Cardas 焊錫,也應以高品質的機內線搭配。 行業標準是基本的5股,紅色和綠色的銅線,而我們選用 丹麥 Estron Litz wires 7蕊 (李茲結構)線材, 一個簡單的理由 it was for a good reason, they sound amazing! 聲音令人驚艷 |
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單體配置 3高 , Triple Highs 3中 , Triple Mids 2低 , Dual Lows7-Way, Six Crossover Points Network. Frequency Response: 20 Hz – 20 kHz Impedance: 28 ohms @ 1 kHz Sensitivity: 118 dB @ 1 kHz |
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7-Way, 6 Crossovers? 這很難解釋的,所以我們會盡量簡化說明, 每一個驅動單體都設計可以表現全頻段的聲音,但透過精準的 crossovers 設計, 讓8個單體分別表現分配給它的特定頻率,很多時候單體不用表現全頻段,而是分工合作把特定頻段表現好。 我們為 Legend R 內部設計了複雜的分頻線路,讓每個單體發揮最大效益。最終的聲音結果是 超細緻,紋理密集,純淨動聽頂級的耳機。 |